Activity Menu
Nature Walk: 10-minute walk around the Sleepy Hollow fields (Dogs)
Romp & Run: 10-minute session in our off-lead play yard (Dogs)
Senior Stretch: 10-minute walk for senior pets to stay limber (Dogs)
Jog-a-Dog: 10-minute session on our doggie treadmill (Dogs)
Kitty Fun Zone: 10-minute session in a room full toys and places to explore (Cats)
Cuddle Time: 10-minute cuddle with a buddy (Dogs & Cats)
Pet Flix: 10-minute pet-themed movie time on a couch
(Dogs & Cats)
Puppy Puzzlers: Interactive games and puzzles to exercise their focus, natural instincts, and imagination. (Dogs)
Kitty Capers: Interactive games and puzzles to exercise their focus, natural instincts, and imagination. (Cats)
Special Treat Menu
Chicken Rice Casserole: Chicken, rice, and green beans $4 per day
Peanut Butter Kong: peanut butter slathered inside and outside a kong
$3 per day
Pupsicle: Beef or chicken broth bone-shaped popsicle $3 per day
Frosty Paws: Frozen non-dairy doggie ice cream treat $3 per day
Biscuits & Gravy: Milkbone biscuits covered in a lamb and rice gravy $2 per day
Kitty Cocktail: Heaping scoop of tuna with cat treats on top $1 per day