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Dog Grooming

Dog Bathing (Bath and Brush) at “the Ranch” includes a bath with
high-quality shampoos, followed by a conditioner.  Every bath also
includes nail cutting and filing, along with ear cleaning, and trimming
of the pads of the feet if needed.  Baths are finished out with a gloss
finish, cologne, and a bow or bandana.

Short-Haired Dogs

0-20 lbs

21-40 lbs

41-60 lbs

61-80 lbs

81-100 lbs

101-140 lbs

$ 30






Short-haired dog breeds include hair length of Dalmations, Pit Bulls, and Vizsla’s. The hair is short and close to skin in length.

Medium-Haired Dogs

0-20 lbs

21-40 lbs

41-60 lbs

61-80 lbs

81-100 lbs

101-140 lbs

$ 35






Medium-haired dog breeds include hair lengths of Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers. A majority of breeds of dog fit into this category.

Long-Haired Dogs

0-20 lbs

21-40 lbs

41-60 lbs

61-80 lbs

81-100 lbs

101-140 lbs

$ 40






Long-haired dog breeds include hair lengths of Goldendoodles and Labradoodles, Afghans, full-coated Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos and Malteses. Most often, haircuts and maintenance are a must for these types of breeds.

Bath & Neaten: +$5.00

Bath and Neaten includes all of the above, neatening of the feet, feathers, back hocks, and potty path.  A neaten adds $5 to the above price.

Clip & Style: +$10.00-20.00

Clips/Haircuts includes all of the features of the Bath & Brush. plus shortening or clipping of the body hair, head and face.  A breed clip, same length all over, or a full body trimming would be in this category.  A clip adds $10-$20 to the Bath & Brush price. (If a long-haired breed is kept on a regular maintenance schedule (4-6 weeks) they would be charged at the medium-haired pricing.)

*Please note, some factors that could add to the time, and consequently cost of a bath or groom include fleas, matting, undercoat removal, or special handling (a second person to comfort and/or distract to safely complete a groom).

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